Other People LIKE Me With Our Thoughts – HEAVY Yet SO SIMPLE

This is a video of Richard Feynman (if you don’t know who he is, guess maybe you aren’t as “Learned” as you think you are.

Anyway, I will be very short as constrained by time today but just wanted to get this out.

When you listen to Feynman, you hear so much very deep and thought provoking material BUT at the same time, you hear his Very Simple Logical, Common Sense Thoughts and Beliefs. So many are my own, construed over the years NOT FROM HIM (or ANY OTHER BEING) but just what I have “discovered” by my own “looking, listening, watching, studying and THINKING. I call it common sense!

Please take the time to listen to him and THINK. Yes THINK for yourself. It just might be the Best, Life Changing Moments of your life!

DARE TO DISCOVER. Dare to Learn. Dare to become great within yourself!



About Warm Hearted World

Extensive - Widely Varied Background ---- Because EVERYTHING CONNECTS TO EVERYTHING & EVERYONE --- For Solutions To All Issues ---- To Make The World A Better Place! (God Must Be Crying!). For Your & Everyone's Health-Wealth-Happiness! Unlike MOST of the World ----"I PRACTICE WHAT I PREACH" (by the way: It is not about religion. It is about LIFE & LIVING! I am NOT YOUR AVERAGE GUY! My Goal & Slogan is: "If I can get everyone to STOP and THINK (really think with an open mind which is RARE) for 5 minutes - I Just CHANGED THE WORLD For The Better".
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